Mac과 PC의 차이 - 퍼옴이야기를나눠요 2011. 4. 24. 05:58
자세한 내용은 잘 모르겠지만 그래프만 본다면 Mac의 평가는 항상 좋았던것 같다.
세심한 사용성과 안전성에서는 Windows에서 못느껴본 부분인듯...
원문 : http://mashable.com/2011/04/23/mac-vs-pc-infographic/
In an infographic that’s bound to cause arguments and perhaps fistfights, researchers at Hunch placed data from about 700,000 of its website visitors onto a deep illustration that shows just how different users of Macs and PCs are.
They came up with interesting correlations between users’ chosen computing platforms and their demographics and personalities, as well as tastes in food, fashion and media.
Did it sort out like a comparison between Tea Party members and liberals? Are PC users geeks and Mac users hipsters, in keeping with common stereotypes? Almost. Mac users are more educated, eat more hummus, prefer modern art over impressionist art, and are 21% more likely than PC users to say that two random people are more alike than different.
Dive into the infographic below (feel free to click the graphic for an enlargement), full of insights and data, drawn from a huge sample. Of course, there are exceptions to every trend. Please let us know in the comments if you think its data is accurate or not.
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